CDMA2025 offers a unique opportunity and exchange platform to academic researchers and industry experts from a wide range of Data Science and Machine Learning areas including, but not restricted to, data analytics, computational intelligence, deep learning, pattern recognition, computer vision, multimedia/intelligent databases, big data, visualization, and related ethical issues.
Transformative Impact of AI Across All Sectors: Natural language processing (NLP), Arabic NLP, language models, large language models (LLMs), text processing in LLMs, deployment of LLM models, and applications of AI in computer vision.
Autonomous Systems and Robotics: Applications of Data Science, Applications in Autonomous Vehicles and Robotics Systems, Social Network Analysis in Robotics, Mining Sequences for Robotics Control, Time Series Analysis in Autonomous Systems, Bioinformatics for Robotic Surgery, Systems Biology for Autonomous Medical Devices, Mining Temporal and Spatial Data for Robotics Navigation, and Multimedia Processing in Robotics and Autonomous Systems.
Revolutionizing Software Engineering for AI and Computational Intelligence: AI and DS for software engineering automation, leveraging AI and DS in requirements engineering, AI and DS based software architecture knowledge extraction, software faults detection improvement using AI and DS, AI and DS based models for software artifacts’ quality evaluation, AI and DS based computer-assisted coding, AI and DS assisted software debugging and testing, application of AI and DS to software documentation & summarization, and AI and DS in quality assessment and improvement.
Download the latest Call for Paper (CFP) to know more.
Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length manuscripts using the Submission Link. The maximum length of the manuscript is 6 pages with an IEEE template using a double-column format, including headers, figures, tables, and appendices. All submissions would undergo a single-blind review process prior to acceptance for possible publication in the conference proceedings. All papers will undergo a plagiarism and similarity check using IEEE CrossCheck. Any papers not meeting the minimum standard will be excluded from the proceedings.
The submissions should contain original results of research that are related to the theory, design, implementation, application, exploitation, maintenance, or evaluation aspects of the conference main topics. Only the papers that have not been published or presented in any way will be accepted for CDMA2025.
Note: The conference submission system only accepts manuscripts in PDF A4 format (before the revision, manuscripts do not have to be checked by IEEE PDFXpress).
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Three Panel Discussions will be held during CDMA2025.
Data to Decision: How Data Science Transforms Industries
Data Science for Social Good: Tackling Global Challenges
Harnessing AI and Machine Learning for Digital Transformation
P.O.Box No. 66833 Rafha Street, Riyadh 11586 Saudi Arabia